Reflective Portfolio Blog Post 2

At the beginning of my Game Art Animation course at SAE I wasn’t completely sure which type of career I wanted to move into afterwards however liked the idea of character based work as this is what I had the most experience with.

When studying Higher Art in my 5th year of school we had to design a character for a game or movie, I choose to design a dragon for a kids movie which gave me a lot of different skills as we had to complete a great deal of different thumbnails and background stories. This experience allowed me to see just how much work goes into designing a character, however also boosted my passion for it at the same time.

During my short time at SAE I have also had the chance to create my own character which is for my first Practical Assignment, this helped show me how it would actually be done in a professional environment as not only do you have to have the drawings of your character you have to have a technical document to go along with it which has to show everything you did and why.

So I would say my main interest is still character design as this is what I have most experience with so far, although I am looking forward to working in different areas throughout my course.

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